You Me We Us

Brand Identity / Online Exhibition / Campaign / Interactive Website

Concept and design for You Me We Us, an online campaign/exhibition promoting Thai diversity in celebration of The World's Indigenous Peoples Day. Commissioned by UNDP Thailand and the EU, the design was to reflect the theme of social cohesion and to raise awareness on ethnic diversity in Thailand.

63 colors were chosen to represent 63 Thai ethnicities. The Thai map, colorful circles, and gradient effects are to portray the concept of celebration and the uncovering of Thai diversity. The website was divided into 2 parts; the interactive game to raise awareness and the exhibition to showcase original stories produced by various ethnic groups. Please visit to expand your world,

Client United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Thailand
Concept / Design Direction / Graphic / Web Design Grittiga Prasitsiriwongse
Pictogram Illustration Natee Kongyangyuen

©UNDP Thailand
